Friday Jul 07, 2023

87 // 4 Simple Phrases to Help You Organize Your Thoughts as a Multi Passionate Kingdom Entrepreneur

Do you consider yourself multi-passionate? Have tons of amazing ideas for your business but no idea how to organize them all? Or perhaps you find yourself getting sidetracked super easily because you want to pursue all your ideas at the same time.


I totally get it. As someone who always has a ton of fun ideas for her business, I understand how distracting those new ideas can be! But let me tell you, it's not helpful to get off course by pursuing something new all the time. You need a system to keep your ideas organized so you can add them into your business when the time is right. 


In today's episode, I've got 4 simple phrases to help you organize all your ideas. I find this system super helpful myself and allows me to focus on the things God calls me to without getting off track all the time. 


Happy Listening!



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