Friday Feb 24, 2023

45 // This 1 thing will forever change how you connect with your avatar! (this is the secret to creating messaging that converts)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you can't connect with your ideal clients, you're going to have a really hard time selling your offers. You need to understand your avatar inside and out to know what their needs are so you can serve them well.
There's a lot of advice out there on how to connect with your person, but I don't think you'll have ever heard of this method before. In today's episode, I've got 1 unconventional way you can get to know your ideal client and it will CHANGE how you connect with them.

Happy listening!



PSSST! Did you sign up for February's workshop yet? Calling: Understanding the who at the heart of your God-given mission. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at


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